

Barcode Author Title Call no Sub loc Location Copy Status
32101005413917 Diethnes Symposio gia ten Archaia Makedonia, 1st, Thessalonike, 1968. Archaia Makedonia $BAncient Macedonia. $BHetaireia Makedonikon Spoudon, Hidryma Meleton Meleton Chersonesou tou Haimou ; 122 2957.298 1968 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005417553 Caudillo and peasant in the Mexican Revolution $BCambridge Latin American studies F1234.C457 F 001 *DEL*MS-REPLAC Show
32101005523004 Coward, Noel Cavalcade 3692.95.324 F 000 *DEL Show
32101005420193 Harding, Mary Esther Woman's mysteries, ancient and modern $BHarper Colophon Books ; CN525 GR625.H3 1976 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005420201 Freeman, Jo. The politics of women's liberation HQ1426.F84 1975b F 001 *DEL Show
32101005420243 Atkinson, Anthony Barnes. Lectures on public economics HJ141.A74 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005428204 Pasquel, Leonardo. Cronologia ilustrada de Xalapa $BColeccion Suma veracruzana : Serie Historiografia F1391.J2P28* vol. 1-3 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005428667 Bromley,Rosemary D. F. South American development HC165.B69 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005430200 Biostatistics casebook $BWiley series in probability and mathematical statistics QH323.5.B563 SM 001 *DEL Show
32101005434913 Stewart, James H American Catholic leadership $BReligion and society (The Hague) ; 11. BX1407.C6S74 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005435365 Person, Ralph E. The mode of theological decision making at the early ecumenical councils $BTheologische Dissertationen ; Bd. 14 BR210.P47 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005435969 Sneddon, Ian Naismith. Special functions of mathematical physics and chemistry $BLongman mathematical texts QA351.S64 1980 SM 001 *DEL Show
32101005436561 Spence, Jonathan D. The death of Woman Wang HQ1767.S63 1979 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005439094 Allen, Sheila. Work, race, and immigration HD8398.A2A68 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005439276 European Parliament. Directorate General for Research and Documentation. Europa-parlamentet $BEuropean Parliament. Z7164.R4E93 1978q SF 001 *DEL Show
32101005440969 Davidson, Lionel. The rose of Tibet PR6054.A87xR6 1964 F 001 *DEL Show
32101005441330 Johnson, Carl R. Student's manual to accompany Allinger, et al., Organic chemistry, second edition $BOrganic chemistry. QD251.2.xO731 1976 SQ 001 *DEL Show
32101005443047 American Society of Photogrammetry. Joint proceedings of the American Society of Photogrammetry and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping TA502.A49 1979 SG 001 *DEL Show
32101005444581 Swarowsky, Hans. Wahrung der Gestalt MT75.S95 Defective Copy (5/82) MUS 001 *DEL Show
32101005447808 Muller, Gerd. Das Volksstuck von Raimund bis Kroetz $BAnalysen zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur PT701.M8 F 001 *DEL Show