

Barcode Author Title Call no Sub loc Location Copy Status
32101008123703 Olfe, D.B. Supersonic flow chemical processes and radiative transfer. 92514.687 AST 000 *DEL Show
32101008128298 Souza, Marcio. A ordem do dia $BColecao "Historias do pau brasil PQ9698.29.O877O72 1983 SG 000 *DEL Show
32101008132365 O Estudo das linguas exoticas 83-B68888-1 F 000 *DEL Show
32101008132894 National data book AS911.A2F64 * vol.1(8th ed.) DR 000 *DEL Show
32101008140673 Frolov, A. I. (Aleksandr I.) Petrozavodsk and Kizhi $BPublishers guidebook DK651.P5F76 1983 F 000 *DEL Show
32101008145995 Martins, Luciano Estado capitalista e burocracia no Brasil pos-64 $BColecao Estudos brasileiros (Paz e Terra (Firm)) ; v. 82. HC187.M2947 1985 F 000 *DEL Show
32101008160622 Bateman Manuscript Project, California Institute of Technology. Tables of integral transforms. 8153.151.2* v.1 $B QA351.B22# *v.1 $B QA351.B22 * v.1 ST 003 *DEL Show
32101008164327 Powell, R. W. Thermal conductivity of selected materials.$BNational Standard Reference Data Series NSRDS-NBS 16. 8254.734* pt.2 $B QC321.T55 * pt.2 ST 000 *DEL Show
32101008166413 Levi, Leo Applied optics. $BA Guide to optical system design. 8271.582* v.1 AST 000 *DEL Show
32101008172817 Smith, R.A. Wave mechanics of crystalline solids. 8287.863.2.1969 ST 000 *DEL Show
32101008174664 Mayer, Joseph Edward Equilibrium statistical mechanics. $BThe International encyclopedia of physical chemistry and chemical physics. Topic 8 $BStatistical mechanics, v.1 8256.626$B8256.626.2 AST 000 *DEL Show
32101008202135 Japan Congress on Materials Research. Proceedings of the ... Japan Congress on Materials Research. TA401.3.Z3* 1967 (11th) AST 000 *DEL Show
32101008204263 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Thermophysics Specialist Conference, 3d. Los Ange Thermal design principles of spacecraft and entry bodies $BProgress in astronautics and aeronautics, v.21. 92595.122.1968 AST 002 *DEL Show
32101008204289 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Thermophysics Specialist Conference, New Orleans, Thermophysics of spacecraft and planetary bodies $BRadiation properties of solids and the electromagnetic radiation environment in space $BProgress in astronautics and aeronautics, v.20. 92595.122.1967 AST 002 *DEL Show
32101008208660 AIAA Communications Satellite Systems Conference, Washington, DC, 1966 Communication satellite systems technology $BProgress in astronautics and aeronautics, v.19. 92595.122.1966 AST 002 *DEL Show
32101008208694 Bevans, Jerry T. Thermophysics: applications to thermal design of spacecraft $BProgress in astronautics and aeronautics, v.23. 92595.899 AST 002 *DEL Show
32101008217471 Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites, Dayton, Ohio, 1966. Fundamental aspects of fiber reinforced plastic composites. 9118.725.264.1966 AST 002 *DEL Show
32101008226621 National Computer Conference. National computer conference and exposition $BAFIPS conference proceedings. 92952.506* 1973 ST 002 *DEL Show
32101008229807 Guillemin, Ernst Adolph. Theory of linear physical systems; theory of physical systems from the viewpoint of classical dynamics, including Fourier methods. 92851.419.2$B92351.419.4 AST 001 *DEL Show
32101008244079 Symposium on fresh water from the sea, Milan, 1964. Fresh water from the sea ; proceedings of the international symposium... 91915.893.1964 STR 000 *DEL Show